WEBVTT 00:03.340 --> 00:05.490 three Marine expeditionary force 00:05.500 --> 00:07.710 Information group stands at the 00:07.720 --> 00:09.776 forefront of a transition within the 00:09.776 --> 00:12.140 marine corps . The world is connected 00:12.140 --> 00:14.220 more than it has ever been . The 00:14.220 --> 00:16.740 introduction of technology increased 00:16.740 --> 00:19.270 globalization and new warfighting 00:19.270 --> 00:21.540 domains like cyber and space are 00:21.540 --> 00:24.030 changing warfare . At the start of the 00:24.030 --> 00:26.141 Vietnam war , the first detachment of 00:26.141 --> 00:28.363 marines on the ground formed themselves 00:28.363 --> 00:29.919 around signals intelligence 00:29.919 --> 00:32.570 capabilities . This concept later 00:32.570 --> 00:34.760 guided the formation of surveillance , 00:35.240 --> 00:37.480 Reconnaissance and intelligence groups 00:37.490 --> 00:41.450 or sh rigs in 1988 . On september 00:41.460 --> 00:45.300 8th of 17 2003 , meth information group 00:45.300 --> 00:47.900 was created tying its official lineage . 00:47.900 --> 00:51.370 23 shred as the vanguard of the only 00:51.370 --> 00:54.160 four deployed math three MEg leads the 00:54.160 --> 00:56.560 way in innovation and operations and a 00:56.560 --> 00:58.860 contested environment by operating 00:58.860 --> 01:01.400 across all seven warfighting functions . 01:02.250 --> 01:04.650 Information force protection , 01:05.040 --> 01:07.470 intelligence , command and control , 01:07.820 --> 01:11.160 logistics , maneuver and fires 01:12.310 --> 01:15.850 To assure c . two provision I . S . R . 01:15.980 --> 01:18.220 And generate effects . Three MIG 01:18.220 --> 01:21.360 conducts C five S . R . T . Operations 01:21.390 --> 01:24.850 which stands for command control , 01:25.240 --> 01:28.820 computer communications , cyber 01:28.920 --> 01:31.010 intelligence , surveillance , 01:31.030 --> 01:34.220 reconnaissance and targeting all while 01:34.220 --> 01:36.830 waging counter C . Five I . S . R . T . 01:36.830 --> 01:40.810 Operations . To deter delay , disrupt 01:40.820 --> 01:43.150 and degrade our adversary's ability to 01:43.150 --> 01:45.094 conduct these same actions against 01:45.094 --> 01:47.270 three methods sitting inside the 01:47.270 --> 01:49.437 weapons engagement zone of the primary 01:49.437 --> 01:52.150 pacing threat . three Meg is vital and 01:52.150 --> 01:54.410 synchronizing lethal and non lethal 01:54.410 --> 01:57.330 effects to achieve tempo . This enables 01:57.330 --> 01:59.497 through meth out cycle the adversary's 01:59.497 --> 02:02.170 decision making abilities . This 02:02.170 --> 02:04.337 clarity of vision is what guides daily 02:04.337 --> 02:06.448 operations and when combined with the 02:06.448 --> 02:09.000 smaller , more agile size of the three 02:09.000 --> 02:11.240 meg that allows for a greater ability 02:11.250 --> 02:14.870 to adapt and overcome challenges . All 02:14.870 --> 02:16.981 units and personnel within three mega 02:16.981 --> 02:19.250 critical enablers of three meth or 02:19.250 --> 02:21.139 facilitate the provision of these 02:21.139 --> 02:23.580 enablers . Additionally , they stand 02:23.580 --> 02:25.747 ready to deploy at a moment's notice , 02:25.747 --> 02:28.080 with top line logistical infrastructure , 02:28.140 --> 02:30.250 ready to lay groundwork for a ford 02:30.250 --> 02:32.361 deployed command structure throughout 02:32.361 --> 02:34.472 the key terrain from which three mega 02:34.472 --> 02:37.700 operates . three migs stands ready .