WEBVTT 00:06.900 --> 00:10.539 April 16th , 1914 , the fourth Marine 00:10.550 --> 00:12.850 regiment was born as major 00:16.520 --> 00:18.298 from its origins in the heat of 00:18.298 --> 00:20.464 conflict between the United States and 00:20.464 --> 00:22.687 Mexico to its present day stance in the 00:22.687 --> 00:25.250 Indo Pacific . The regiment has etched 00:25.260 --> 00:27.440 its name in history as a forward 00:27.450 --> 00:29.940 deployed force in readiness for 110 00:29.950 --> 00:33.029 years . And the legacy of the marines 00:33.040 --> 00:34.873 who have served under its colors 00:34.873 --> 00:37.220 remains one of sacrifice , bravery in 00:37.229 --> 00:39.599 the face of adversity and camaraderie 00:39.610 --> 00:41.388 forged in the fires of combat . 00:48.790 --> 00:50.901 Fourth Marine Regiment was created by 00:50.901 --> 00:53.012 the order of President Woodrow Wilson 00:53.012 --> 00:55.369 and led by Colonel Joseph H Pendleton 00:55.619 --> 00:57.841 as they called conflict off the Mexican 00:57.841 --> 01:00.330 coast . In years to follow . The 01:00.340 --> 01:02.451 regiment would serve in the Dominican 01:02.451 --> 01:04.769 Republic , China and the Philippines 01:06.949 --> 01:09.250 for 15 years . The Fourth Marine 01:09.260 --> 01:11.482 Regiment defended American interests in 01:11.482 --> 01:13.482 Shanghai . China , earning them the 01:13.482 --> 01:16.550 title of the China Marines under the 01:16.559 --> 01:18.726 command of Brigadier General Smedley D 01:18.726 --> 01:21.040 Butler , the marines and sailors of the 01:21.050 --> 01:23.161 regiment successfully averted threats 01:23.161 --> 01:25.106 to the international settlement in 01:25.106 --> 01:27.328 Shanghai . Strengthened American forces 01:27.328 --> 01:29.790 against hostility and preserved the 01:29.800 --> 01:32.022 stability of the region amidst conflict 01:32.022 --> 01:33.467 between China and Japan . 01:36.730 --> 01:38.730 Shortly after their withdrawal from 01:38.730 --> 01:40.841 China . World War two erupted for the 01:40.841 --> 01:44.180 regiment on December 8 , 1941 01:44.529 --> 01:46.640 Japanese forces launched an attack on 01:46.640 --> 01:48.751 the Philippines . Coinciding with the 01:48.751 --> 01:51.139 strike on Pearl Harbor , relentless 01:51.150 --> 01:53.094 airstrikes and bombings forced the 01:53.094 --> 01:55.206 Marines to the island of Corregidor . 01:55.309 --> 01:56.976 But the regiment spent months 01:56.976 --> 01:58.976 fortifying the defenses to maintain 01:58.976 --> 02:01.309 control of the island . Despite their 02:01.319 --> 02:03.239 best efforts , the Fourth Marine 02:03.250 --> 02:05.306 Regiment was ordered to surrender on 02:05.306 --> 02:08.619 May 6 , 1942 . They burn their colors 02:08.630 --> 02:11.539 and temporarily cease to exist 02:16.309 --> 02:19.460 in February of 1944 . The regiment was 02:19.470 --> 02:22.089 reborn , rejoining the war and expertly 02:22.100 --> 02:24.309 capturing the islands of Emira , Guam 02:24.500 --> 02:27.580 and Okinawa from Japanese control . The 02:27.589 --> 02:29.700 regiment remained in the Indo pacific 02:29.700 --> 02:32.110 throughout the Vietnam war earning 11 02:32.119 --> 02:34.341 medals of honor for the valiant efforts 02:34.341 --> 02:38.089 of their . In 1979 the regiment would 02:38.100 --> 02:40.470 settle in Okinawa , Japan officially 02:40.479 --> 02:42.701 cementing its reputation as a pillar of 02:42.701 --> 02:46.380 stability in the region . Elements of 02:46.389 --> 02:48.445 the regiment have served in the long 02:48.445 --> 02:50.222 years of war in the Middle East 02:50.222 --> 02:52.210 fighting in operation storm Desert 02:52.220 --> 02:54.380 Shield and continuing to serve the 02:54.410 --> 02:55.854 conflict in Afghanistan . 02:58.179 --> 03:00.290 Every Marine who served in the fourth 03:00.290 --> 03:02.509 regiment carries on its legacy today . 03:02.720 --> 03:04.831 The regiment remains at the forefront 03:04.831 --> 03:07.220 of innovation and excellence as home to 03:07.229 --> 03:09.399 the unit deployment program . Troops 03:09.410 --> 03:11.299 from around the world train under 03:11.299 --> 03:13.299 Fourth Marine Regiment operating in 03:13.299 --> 03:14.966 austere environments and ever 03:14.966 --> 03:17.188 increasing their readiness to fight and 03:17.188 --> 03:20.250 win . When called upon on this , their 03:20.259 --> 03:23.179 110th birthday , we pay tribute to the 03:23.190 --> 03:24.820 regiment's enduring legacy , 03:24.830 --> 03:27.059 indomitable spirit and their pivotal 03:27.070 --> 03:29.070 role in shaping the history and the 03:29.070 --> 03:31.014 future of the United States Marine 03:31.014 --> 03:32.014 Corps . 03:41.130 --> 03:43.809 It's the 110th anniversary of Shanghai 03:43.820 --> 03:44.820 nation . 03:50.199 --> 03:52.310 The mission of 1/4 Marine Regiment is 03:52.310 --> 03:55.440 to seize or secure maritime terrain in 03:55.449 --> 03:57.449 conjunction with our allies and our 03:57.449 --> 03:59.616 partners in order to prevent adversary 03:59.619 --> 04:02.610 action from uh affecting key maritime 04:02.619 --> 04:03.952 terrain in the region . 04:07.520 --> 04:10.660 Location matters , the firepower , the 04:10.669 --> 04:12.669 combat power that makes that fourth 04:12.669 --> 04:14.891 Marine Regiment is supplied by the unit 04:14.891 --> 04:17.002 deployment program which cycles entry 04:17.002 --> 04:19.058 battalions from parent regiments for 04:19.058 --> 04:21.559 six month periods . Here . Every time 04:21.570 --> 04:23.570 an entry battalion comes out here , 04:23.570 --> 04:25.792 they're credible , capable and ready to 04:25.792 --> 04:27.903 get in a fight . And our job is to be 04:27.903 --> 04:30.070 uh a headquarters that can put them in 04:30.070 --> 04:32.126 position to win . Once you put a , a 04:32.126 --> 04:34.126 young marine in a position to win , 04:34.126 --> 04:36.237 everything else is gonna take care of 04:36.237 --> 04:38.570 itself . So hang out , 04:44.869 --> 04:46.730 we have to be able to move at a 04:46.739 --> 04:49.072 moment's notice to counter enemy action . 04:49.100 --> 04:51.929 The combat power of the AC M is Fourth 04:51.940 --> 04:52.940 Marine Regiment . 04:56.160 --> 04:58.104 We're on the move before the enemy 04:58.104 --> 05:00.216 knows we've made a decision and we're 05:00.216 --> 05:02.104 ready to get on that key maritime 05:02.104 --> 05:04.327 terrain with the marines that are going 05:04.327 --> 05:06.327 to get the job done . We understand 05:06.327 --> 05:08.493 that the nature of warfare is violence 05:08.493 --> 05:08.179 and friction and we have to live in 05:08.190 --> 05:11.209 that reality if something happens . If 05:11.220 --> 05:13.220 the Marines , if we have to address 05:13.220 --> 05:15.387 conflict or crisis within the region . 05:15.387 --> 05:17.442 Our families have to be ready . They 05:17.442 --> 05:19.109 understand our mission , they 05:19.109 --> 05:21.220 understand what their marine needs to 05:21.220 --> 05:23.387 do and if they feel supported and they 05:23.387 --> 05:25.387 have a , they have a network that's 05:25.387 --> 05:27.442 going to be here to make sure things 05:27.442 --> 05:29.609 get done for them . If their marine or 05:29.609 --> 05:29.420 sailor has to lead to address the 05:29.429 --> 05:30.596 crisis of conflict . 05:35.730 --> 05:38.269 This is the first regiment we formed in 05:38.279 --> 05:40.501 the Marine Corps . We fought through uh 05:40.501 --> 05:42.929 World War Two . We burned our colors on 05:42.940 --> 05:45.859 corridor and then we were reformed like 05:45.869 --> 05:48.147 a phoenix being birthed from the ashes . 05:48.480 --> 05:50.536 Fourth Marine regiment will never be 05:50.536 --> 05:52.813 defeated . We will never be pushed out . 05:53.089 --> 05:55.145 We're , we're always gonna come back 05:55.145 --> 05:57.145 and today as we operate here in the 05:57.145 --> 05:59.089 first island chain and we are ever 05:59.089 --> 06:01.429 ready to act wherever and whenever it's 06:01.440 --> 06:03.496 needed . Uh Fourth Marine Redmond is 06:03.496 --> 06:05.662 gonna get it done . Shanghai nation is 06:05.670 --> 06:07.892 gonna show up to the fight and Shanghai 06:07.892 --> 06:08.470 nation is gonna win .