Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program
The Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) is responsible for providing prevention briefs and materials, as well as receiving and responding to reports of Sexual Assault.
DSN: (315) 645-2134
Mon-Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm
If you would like to reach a confidential Victim Advocate call the 24/7 Sexual Assault Support Line
On Base: (315) 645-HOPE (4673
Off Base: 098-970-4673
Family Advisory Program
Mission: The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary program designed to address child abuse and domestic abuse within the Marine Corps community on Camp Smedley D. Butler. The FAP goal is to prevent family violence by identifying risk factors and the underlying cause of abuse and addressing the effects of violence on both adults and child victims. FAP services focus on providing assessment, intervention, and treatment of spouse and child abuse/neglect.
DSN: (315) 645-2915/2916/2918
Mon-Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Substance Abuse Counseling Center
Mission: To promote and maintain the operational readiness of the U.S. Marine Corps in the Western Pacific through prevention , education and treatment of personnel with substance and/or behavioral additions.
DSN: (315) 645-3009/3483
Mon–Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm
Community Counseling Program
Mission: To fully support the needs of Marines, Sailors, Retirees, DoD Civilians and their family members by providing a central deliver system for personal and family support programs that maximize contributions to the service embers family and command readiness.
DSN: (315) 645-2915
Mon-Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm
U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa
DSN: (315) 646-7555
Open 24 Hours
Victims' Legal Counsel Organization
"The Marine Corps Victims' Legal Counsel Organization (VLCO) is fully committed to assist victims of crime at all states of the military justice process. VLCO provide legal advice and representation to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, hazing, and other crimes under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)."
DSN: (315) 645-4421
The Marine Corps DSTRESS Line provides 24/7 anonymous phone and chat counseling with a Marine-to-Marine approach. Marines, attached Sailors, and family members can call or chat anytime to speak with "one of their own" -a veteran Marine, former Fleet Marine Force (FMF) Corpsman, Marine Corps spouse or other family member, or a licensed behavioral health clinician with specific training in Marine Crops culture.
Call: 1-877-476-7734
Online Chat: