CI/HUMINT Specialists focus on developing strong personal relationships to gather timely information to reduce uncertainties of the operational environment for decision makers across the full operational spectrum. They build relationships based on rapport and trust using sound judgment, integrity, and the ability to assess character and motivation. CI/HUMINT Specialists are amongst the most adept and resourceful professionals in the Marine Corps. They are trained to research, identify, monitor, and assess efforts of foreign intelligence entities attempting to collect sensitive information on DoD persons, activities, plans, and/or interests.
CI/HUMINT Specialists:
- Are only created by lateral move from another MOS.
- Come from a variety of backgrounds, life experience, and professional histories.
- Thrive on challenge and significant responsibility.
- Are adaptable and professional Marines dedicated to mission success.
- Are able to effectively work independently, and as part of an integrated team.
- Have exceptional oral and written communications skills.
- Improvise and develop creative, yet practical, solutions to anticipated and unanticipated problems.
Competitive candidates should:
- Have good moral character.
- Be eager to assume greater responsibility and challenging assignments.
- Demonstrate initiative-driven work-ethic.
- Be open to critical feedback and willing to learn.
- Be interested in seeking answers, learning foreign languages, and studying other cultures.
- Be able to confidently and comfortably communicate with senior leaders.
Ready to apply?
Interested applicants must:
- Be a volunteer Corporal, Sergeant, or Staff Sergeant in any MOS.
- Possess a GT score of 110 or higher. (May be waived on a case by case basis).
- Be 21 years of age prior to lateral move into the CI/HUMINT MOS. (May not be waived).
- Be eligible for TS/SCI Security Clearance.
- Prior to entry into the MAGTF CI/HUMINT Basic Course, must have sufficient obligated service to allow 60 months remaining upon graduation.
- Possess, or able to obtain, a valid U.S. driver's license. (May not be waived).
- Be willing and able to deploy frequently worldwide.
- Receive a favorable endorsement by CI/HUMINT personnel after the Assessment & Selection (A&S) process.
How to apply?
Fill out the "Initial Screening Form" and contact us via email or phone to schedule an appointment to further discuss the lateral move process.
Weekly Recruiting Briefs are held every Friday at 1300 on Camp Foster inside the Education Center on the second deck. Come visit us if you would like to find out more information.
Marines deployed in the area on UDP or other rotational basis can complete the process during their time here.
Permanently stationed Marines in Hawaii, Republic of Korea, Mainland Japan, or any other duty assignment can contact us to discuss the best way to complete the Assessment & Selection screening process.
Points of Contact Information:
Phone: DSN: (315) 623-3096
Commercial: 098-969-3096 or +81-98-969-3096
Email: 3dintelcirecruiting@usmc.mil
In Person: 3d Intelligence Battalion (Building 2814)
Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1) How does my current EAS affect my ability to lat-move into the 0211 MOS?
A1) Marines who fall under guidelines for the First Time Alignment Plan (FTAP) can begin the A&S Process no earlier than 1 October of the Calendar Year (CY) prior to their Fiscal Year (FY) EAS, or ECC, which ever comes first. Marines who receive a favorable endorsement from an A&S Board can submit their Reenlistment/Extension/Lateral-Move (RELM) package when HQMC begins accepting lateral-moves for critical MOSs, which typically begins in July.
Example: Cpl Marine is a FTAP Marine with an EAS/ECC of 15 June 2017 (FY17). Cpl Marine can begin the A&S Process on 1 October 2015 in order submit his/her RELM package to HQMC on, or about, 1 July 2016.
Those Marines who fall under guidelines for the Subsequent Term Alignment Plan (STAP) are eligible to begin the A&S Process at any time during their current contract. However; individual circumstances will ultimately determine if your current MOS' monitor will release you for lateral-move. This is often influenced by things such as, but not limited to, current MOS health for your rank, obligated service requirement under your current contract, current 0211-MOS health for your rank, or any bonus accepted in conjunction with your current contract. In summary, it depends. We can't begin to address your circumstances with HQMC with any accuracy until you receive a favorable endorsement from an A&S Board. Which means you will need to put forth the effort with no guarantee of an immediate lat-move. However, your favorable endorsement may be revalidated by a recruiter when you become eligible for reassignment, pending any significant changes to your service record.
Q2) Can I lat-move if I'm already identified on the Headquarters Marine Corps SDA Screening Team (HSST) List?
Q2) Similarly to STAP Marines, it depends. You need to first receive a favorable endorsement from an A&S Board before HQMC begins to deliberate on allowing you to lat-move.
Q3) How do I begin the screening/lateral move process?
A3) Fill out the "Initial Screening Form" and contact our office to schedule an initial interview to ensure you meet the prerequisites outlined in NAVMC 1200.1A (MOS Manual). Following the initial interview, you can begin Phase I of the Assessment & Selection process.
Q4) Can I still apply if I do not meet the General Technical (GT) score requirement of 110?
A4) Yes. However, this is subjectively determined by the Recruiting Section based on how close you are to the required GT score. Regardless if you have 86 or 109, you must retake the ASVAB test to attempt to get the required 110 score. Waivers are only granted on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Assessment & Selection Board if your score is between 105 to 110.
Q5) How can I get a jump start on the process?
A5) Begin reading the references at the bottom of the page to familiarize yourself with the MOS. You may also take the initiative to schedule your Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) test at an education center, if you don't already have a score in your Basic Training Record (BTR).
Q6) I'm not on Camp Hansen or in Okinawa, how do I get a brief or begin the process?
A6) Contact us to see if we have someone available to meet with you in your area. We are also able to conduct interviews over the phone. We travel to all camps in Okinawa on a regular basis. So if transportation is a problem, give us a call and we will schedule a meeting the next time we are at your camp. We also travel to other countries in the AO, including Korea and mainland Japan.
Q7) I'm on a UDP to Okinawa, what if I can't complete the process before I rotate back to CONUS?
A7) Not a problem. Regardless of what Phase you're in, the Assessment & Selection process can be transferred to an office near you, whether it be Hawaii, California, North Carolina, or elsewhere. If you know you're deploying to Okinawa in the near future, contact us to find out where the closest office to you is located. You can finish the Assessment & Selection Board while here in Okinawa. Vise versa, you can begin here and complete the board after returning to CONUS. The entire process can be completed around your operational commitments while here in Okinawa with flexible deadlines (situation dictates).
Q8) Do I have to travel to Camp Hansen to stand an Assessment and Selection Board?
A8) If you are stationed on Okinawa, Yes. If located outside Okinawa within the III MEF AO there are a few options. We will coordinate with your command to either fly you here on a military flight and stay in our barracks, or we will fly to your location for the A&S Board.
Q9) How long does the screening process take?
A9) On average, the screening process takes 3-4 weeks to complete and receive a determination from an Assessment and Selection Board. An acceptance letter from the board is required prior to submitting for lateral move into the 0211 MOS. There are no exceptions to this policy per NAVMC 1200.1A (MOS Manual).
Q10) Can I complete the process in less than 3-4 weeks?
A10) Yes. If you demonstrate initiative and a strong work ethic, you can finish this process in as little as two weeks.
EO 12333 - Executive Order for U.S. Intelligence Activities
NAVMC 1200.1A - MOS Manual (8 Sep 2015)
MCO 3800.2B - Oversight of Intelligence Activities
FM 2-22.3 - HUMINT Operations
MCWP 2-6 - Counterintelligence
MARADMIN 293/15 – Solicitation for Qualified Marines to Lateral Move into the CI/HUMINT PMOS 0211