Marine Corps Order 5354.1G updates Marine Corps policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing and responding to PAC behaviors that involve harassment, hazing, bullying, prohibited discrimination, and sexual harassment.
III Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
Camp Courtney, Okinawa
Bldg. 4408, Room 17
Christopher R. Rodriguez
DSN: 315-622-4010 / Civ: +81-70-6433-7147
III MEF Information Group (MIG)
Camp Hansen, Okinawa
Bldg. 2680, Room 124
MSgt Chase V. Morrison
DSN: 315-623-2891 / Gov Cell: +81-80-1385-7037
1st Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW)
MCAS Futenma
Bldg. 407, Room 103
MSgt Harjay P. Lacanilao
DSN: 315-636-2532 / Gov Cell: +81-80-1385-7060
Marine Aircraft Group - 12 (MAG)
Iwakuni, Japan
Bldg 6000, Room 125/FL1
GySgt Gerardo A. Cordero
DSN: 315-255-7570 / Gov Cell: +81-90-1054-3574
Marine Aircraft Group - 24 (MAG)
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Bldg 6468, Room 227B/FL2
SSgt Crystal L. Salcido
Gov Cell 808-347-5678
3d Marine Division (MARDIV)
Camp Courtney, Okinawa
Bldg. 4319, Room 119
Ms. Anna G. Ottinger
DSN: 315-622-7654 / Gov Cell: +81-80-1793-9776
GySgt Camilo A. Gomez
Bldg. 4319, Room 119
DSN: 315-622-7654 / Gov Cell: +81-80-1385-7178
3d Marine Logistics Group (MLG)
Camp Kinser, Okinawa
Bldg 110, Room 149
Mr. Andron J. Anderson
DSN: 315-637-1748
Combat Logistics Group - 37
Camp Kinser, Okinawa
Bldg. 107, Room 205
GySgt Jack J. Fleming
Gov Cell: +81-80-8373-6696
Combat Logistics Group - 3
Camp Foster, Okinawa
Bldg. 5687, Room 113
GySgt Iris Bays
DSN: 315-645-4407 / Gov Cell: +81-80-1385-7019
You can report through your:
Chain of Command
The Chain of Command is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC). Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to address violations of our standards quickly and effectively.
Equal Opportunity Advisor
EOAs are the Marine Corps Subject Matter Experts on PAC, Command Climate Assessments, Annual PAC Training and Marines Corps’ Military Equal Opportunity Mission. EOAs are boarded and assigned by USMC Manpower &Reserve Affairs and the authorized source within the command to receive complaints on behalf of the commander.
Anonymous Reporting
Anonymous Reports may be communicated by several means, including but not limited to organizational hotlines or advice lines, electronic mail, or official telephone lines. Action taken will depend on the extent of the information provided by the anonymous complainant. Service members who report a Sexual Harassment complaint to an EOA have four reporting options: Informal, Formal, Anonymous or Confidential. Service members who a file non-sexual harassment complaint in-person cannot choose to remain anonymous.
3. Equal Opportunity Advisor: III MIG EOA DSN 315-623-4694.
Equal Opportunity Advisors: EOAs advise commanders and military personnel on MCO 5354.1G Prohibited Actions and Conduct (PAC) policy, complaint procedures; case management oversight, provide input into policies and programs for supported commands; and as directed by cognizant authority inspect command level MEO Programs and assist with unit Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) survey administration. EOAs serve as the command point of contact for MEO training resources and materials. EOAs may also conduct training and senior leader workshops on varied human relations topics that are approved by MPE.
Equal Opportunity Coordinators: EOCs are a vital part of creating and cultivating an environment of dignity, respect, and trust at the command level. Marines assigned as EOCs are the commander’s primary asset to monitor command climate. They serve at the discretion of the commander. EOC billet responsibilities are assigned as collateral duties. EOCs are not considered SMEs. Rather, they serve as the command liaison with the servicing EOA/MEO office and a source of information for the commander.
EORs shall:
- Understand the current state of the EO Program (policies and procedures)
- Understand the PAC complaint process
- Facilitate annual PAC training
- Conduct warm hand off from service members who want to file a complaint with the servicing EOA
- Receive quarterly training from EOAs
- May be designated as an administrator for the Command Climate Assessment (CCA)
- May stand inspections for the MEO program
EORs cannot conduct PAC Complaint Intakes.